
  ValueDescriptionBASIC or 0Basic display (no hidden or section operations).SECT or 1Section display (plane view)wps office的免费版下载网址是什么. Use the /CPLANE command to define the cutting plane.HIDC or 2Centroid hidden display (based on item centroid sort).HIDD or 3Face hidden display (based on face centroid sort).HIDP or 4Precise hidden display (like HIDD but with more precise checking)WPS office电脑版的下载的方法的方法. wps免费版下载的地方 Because all facets are sorted, this mode wps的的官网最新下载网站(wps下载电脑版旧版本安装教程) can be extremely slow, especially for large models.CAP or 5Capped hidden display (same as combined SECT and HIDD with model in front of section plane removed).ZBUF or 6Z-buffered display (like HIDD but using software Z-buffering).ZCAP or 7Capped Z-buffered display (same as combined SECT and ZBUF with model in front of section wps的的官网下载网址是什么 wps的官网最新下载的方法怎么找 plane removed).ZQSL or 8QSLICE Z-buffered display (same as SECT but the edge lines of the remaining 3-D model are shown).HQSL or 9QSLICE precise hidden display (like ZQSL but using precise hidden).